Video Telephone numbers in Mexico
Phone numbers and area codes
Phone numbers in Mexico consist of ten digits with either two-digit area codes (for Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara and their respective metropolitan areas) or three-digit area codes for the rest of the country. In 2017, Toluca and Puebla were assigned additional area codes with the objective of addressing number exhaustion. These new codes function as overlays of the original area code.
For a list of all area codes, see Area codes in Mexico by code.
Major cities and metropolitan areas have the following codes:
Maps Telephone numbers in Mexico
Dialing prefixes
The following dialing prefixes are available for use from within Mexico:
Dialing into Mexico
To reach a Mexican land line phone from another country, dial:
+ 52 (area code) (phone number)
To reach a Mexican cell phone from another country, dial:
+ 52 1 (area code) (phone number)
Above, the plus sign (+) represents the international access code of the country are calling from.
For example, from Europe dial:
00 52 (1 if dialing to cell phone) (area code) (phone number)
From North America (United States or Canada) dial:
011 52 (1 if dialing to cell phone) (area code) (phone number)
From Central America must dial 1 after 52.
00 52 1 (area code) (phone number)
Other service numbers
See also
- Area codes in Mexico by code
- ITU allocations list
Source of the article : Wikipedia